Emotional coursework intended to promote deeper healing.

The arena of Heartwork™ is where we mindfully interact with our emotions to better understand our patterns of behavior and how to change what no longer serves us. In living that process ourselves, we have grown into a network of women who attract others also seeking to better themselves. No matter where you are in your journey and life, it benefits all to receive supportive guidance in allowing your true feelings to be felt in a safe place, to be empowered to embrace the truth that you hold the power to change your life, tap in to your calling and purpose in this life, and heal your past while shaping a more healthy, productive life for the future.

HOYH courses include options for self-directed and on your own time, community-engaged with specific dates, deadlines and length as well as accountability partners (which we call Heartwork™ Partners), and mentored trainings with a 1-1 relationship with a HOYH leader to become a Host and begin holding your own monthly meeting in your own home. Let your intuition and heart guide you to those which resonate with your own truth and journey, and take this courageous step deeper into owning your story, your soul, your healing and your joy.


When Given The Opportunity To Participate In HOYH, Women Cultivate:

• A pronounced ability to make life-improving choices as they replace limiting beliefs with nourishing self-care

• Sacred friendships bonded in truth, trust, and vulnerability

• A clarified connection to their true authentic self and spirit

• Increased levels of calm, peace, serenity and acceptance

• The knowledge that the changes they experience affect not just themselves, but their children, family, and friends: The ripples of radical self-love are endless and profound.